Purchasing Industrial Supplies through Online Providers
The evolution of the supply chain in a globalised world has seen various businesses come to depend on extended supply chains. Globalisation has allowed businesses and manufacturers to hyper-specialise on the production of specific products or component of products. Other manufacturers then purchase these components and use them for the…

Have you always wanted to be an inventor?
Being an inventor can be a very financially rewarding job, if you manage to invent something new that is in demand. Some people are constantly inventing new things in the hope that just one of their ideas will become a success. In order to make a successful invention you need…

Developing innovative thinking in pupils
We as a society need people that think outside the box and are willing to put their ideas into practise and invent new products. Without these people we as a human race may not move forward and continue to make new discoveries and innovations so it is essential that we…

The importance of market research when inventing a new product
Inventing a new product can be very exciting. It may be something that you have been thinking about and planning for a while but have only just been able to start to produce of it may be something that has become apparent very recently. When anyone launches a new product…

Protect your invention by applying for a patent
If you think you have come up with an invention that you are certain no one else has developed it is important that you do some research into applying for a patent as you could have invented a product that could make you a lot of money and if you…

Investing in a Design – A Risky Yet Rewarding Business
New inventions make the world go round, solving problems we all experience on a day to day basis. If you would like to be involved in the process but don’t have any inventions of your own, you can always work with inventors and manufacturers, investing in designs and inventions that…

How to Test a Design Idea
Whether you are a designer, an entrepreneur or a new inventor hoping to make it big with your next idea, the design process needs to be structured and balanced to help you achieve the results you need. One of the hardest things about the design process is testing an idea…

The Value and Purpose of the Control Panel
On nearly every electronic device, the one feature that improves usability is the front panel. The front panel usually contains the control panel, which is a metal face plate that contains indicator lights, push buttons, and toggle switches that help the user run the device. All electronics manufacturers need to…

Finding Investment for Your Invention
You’ve had a brilliant idea. You’ve designed it and had some prototypes made up. It looks perfect and you’re sure that you’re going to be able to achieve a lot with it. But how are you going to fund production? Cash flow is a problem faced by many inventors –…

New Improved Features Of The Mimic Display Panels
When it comes to display charts and the likes in different industries, one has to admit that there advancement of technology that will ideally replace mimic panels is not available. Due to this fact, the importance of having a working direct representation of what is on the ground is important….

The Process of Selling Your Invention
Once you’ve come up with an idea for an invention, you need to start thinking about the bigger picture and your final aims. What it ultimately comes down to is this one question: are you going to be able to sell it? You need to be manufacturing products which will…

Help for Inventors: Graphic Design Engineering Services
Dreaming of new products is fun, but the work needed to bring them to market is less enjoyable. Marketing an invention means convincing hard-headed business people that they can make a profit from selling it to wholesalers, retailers and ultimately the consumer. This takes a formidable array of facts, from…

Midwife Creates Invention Which Revolutionises Childbirth
Scottish midwife Cass McNamara has invented a birthing aid known as ‘CUB’ – Comfortable Upright Birth, an inflatable birthing seat allowing women to give birth more naturally and comfortably compare to before. The invention has already proved popular by hospitals an individuals in countries such as the UK, US, China,…

Don’t Fail as an Inventor
It’s easy enough to have a ‘great idea’ and call yourself an inventor, but if you don’t actually get round to making this brilliant idea, you’ve failed. There’s no doubt about it, most inventors run into problems which can halt progress, but there are often various ways to work around…

Microsoft’s Hololens
The hololens is a new introduced product being released by Microsoft. In many ways it has some similarities to the google glass product, with the difference being the quality it offers its users. While it has yet to be released, those who’ve had the opportunity to try it out say…