
Beam Trolleys and What Different Features Can They Have?

A beam trolley is designed to enable travel, allowing lifting equipment to travel along a beam. They are usually used alongside a chain hoist and can have a range of features – they can also be used with a wide range of flange widths due to their adaptability. The main…


Lifting Clamps for building and lifting

Lifting clamps include diverse lifting items which can be utilised for building and development along these lines making the work of the experts simple to accomplish. The items in this way extend from lever lifts, shaft clamps to bar trolleys and manual chain lifts among others. They are each intended for…


How Can Hydraulic Lifting Cylinders Be Used?

Hydraulic lifting cylinders are used to provide a hydraulic lifting solution for heavy loads in a controlled way; they can be used to lift and move loads weighing up to 100 tonnes. They may also be used with manifolds and other applications, which can increase the lifting capacity when needed….


The Benefits of Commercial Sound Proof Doors

Commercial working environments can be intense. There can be lots of machinery, lots of processes and lots of noise adding to this. Commercial sound proof doors provide a high tech solution to noisy working environments, making sure the noise does not carry outside of the building and compartmentalising areas of…


How Can a Laser Cutting Machine be Used Efficiently to Get Maximum Value for Money?

A laser cutting machine makes use of a laser to slice through materials. This is neat and efficient, so already it will be better than carving or cutting by hand. However, there are always steps that can be taken to make laser cutting processes more efficient and to achieve maximum…


Lasers to Engrave Wood

Lasers can be used to create wood engravings, particularly Co2 and fiber lasers. There are many reasons why lasers are chosen for wood engraving purposes, including: Accuracy. Laser cutting creates a high degree of accuracy when cutting. Intricate designs easily tackled. It is much easier to achieve intricate details when…


Air Compressor Hire vs Air Compressor Purchase

Air compressors can be hired for certain periods of time or, if used on a regular basis, they can also be purchased for in house use. The option you choose will depend on which is going to deliver the best value for money for your business. If you hire an…


Investing in a Design – A Risky Yet Rewarding Business

New inventions make the world go round, solving problems we all experience on a day to day basis. If you would like to be involved in the process but don’t have any inventions of your own, you can always work with inventors and manufacturers, investing in designs and inventions that…


What is Laser Engraving Equipment and Why Should you Own it?

Many companies make use of laser engraving processes and laser cutting processes as part of their everyday activity. This is commonplace for UK businesses, where there is a great deal of manufacturing and lots of creative, design and technology-based businesses making a very good living for themselves. In order to…


The Benefits of Insulated Garage Doors

Many garage doors now boast good insulation and better rates of thermal performance. If, however, thermal performance is the key factor in choosing a new garage door, you should opt for insulated garage doors. These are designed in such a way as to create the best possible insulation, helping to…


How to Test a Design Idea

Whether you are a designer, an entrepreneur or a new inventor hoping to make it big with your next idea, the design process needs to be structured and balanced to help you achieve the results you need. One of the hardest things about the design process is testing an idea…


Design Within the Industrial Sector

Design within industry is an important sector. Designs need to fulfil a number of criteria in order to be safe, cost-effective and successful. Many designers will work with engineers to make sure this is the case for the products that come out of the process. There is also the issue…


3D Rendering – an Important Part of the Design Process

3D rendering uses CAD technology to make a product or scene into a realistic image. It is an intricate process that requires the use of specialist programmes and 3D data that is stored by the computer. The benefits are manifold though and many designers increasingly come to rely on rendering….


Grey Tile Trims Are a Great Investment

It is often difficult to plan accurately the plan for certain parts of the house, and the bathroom is one of those parts of the house that can create a lot of confusion. Thanks to such innovative designs and ideas of home tiles, it is not easy to choose one…


Laser Machine Servicing – Don’t Cut Costs

Laser machines can be a great investment but they can also require maintenance. This is something that it just isn’t cost effective to ignore, as the costs will end up mounting. Looking after laser machines is so important. When you invest in a laser cutting machine, make sure you know…