
Plastic Welding and the Specialist Equipment Needed

Plastic may not be strongest material but it’s certainly up there, especially when it has been expertly welded. Bonding plastic can be tough and many industries use industrial plastic welder kits to bond two pieces of plastic together. Sometimes Industrial welders will use hot air to preheat plastics but radiant…


Metal Forging in the Iron and Steel Manufacturing Industries

Metal forging is a process that’s changed significantly over the last 50 years, but it’s still very dependable in the iron and steel manufacturing industries. If the strongest manufactured parts are required for a particular products or system, metal forging can ensure there are no cracks or empty spaces within…


Coming Up With an Original Idea

Inventing something can be a lengthy and stressful process. You need to manage everything from financial planning to getting a patent, so it is very important that you don’t start working on something which there is already a patent for. If you’ve got an idea for an invention, the first…


Titanium Nameplates – Display Warnings, Brands and Tracking Codes

The use of titanium nameplates is getting more and more popular as people start to discover the many advantages of this small expense in the business. Studies have shown that nameplates can provide not just functional value but also aesthetic value in the workplace. Tracking and Inventory The most common…


Batch Production for a Significant ROI

Batch manufacturing can definitely reduce costs for a business in the long run, but you have to be confident that you’re going to make the sales, so it’s not always a wise option for new startups that are yet to discover their popularity. Batch production can work when you know…


Packaging your Product

Every time you head to your local DIY store or supermarket, you pick up a product based on its packaging. Perhaps it’s a well know brand that you’re used to buying on a regular basis or one that just catches your eye, but either way you’re influenced by the branding….


Product Design – A Crucial Stage in Manufacturing

Product design is a very important part of the manufacturing process, and it’s the very first opportunity to take an idea and transform it into an accurate plan. Every product start with an idea, but the job of the product designer is to take the concept further. A brief will…



When you have spent time and energy in creating a new invention, you need to make sure you apply for a patent. A patent is “a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or…


Manufacturing to Solve Flooding in Britain

Who knows what 2015 might bring, and we could be in for more torrential storm and severe flooding, but if that’s the case we can be better prepared this time, especially with the new HydroGuard invention. This is a flood protection device and it can be quickly fitted to a…


The MakerBot Replicator 2

A lot has been said about the MakerBot Replicator 2 and that’s because it’s a products that’s certainly grabbed the headlines. It’s basically a small sized 3D printer and it uses very thin plastic layers to create the object of your choice. All you have to do is download or…


Vehicle Manufacturing and Self Inflating Tyres

Self inflating tyres sound like one of the most phenomenal inventions, but they’re not exactly priced ridiculously high. In 2012 Goodyear developed these tyres, and they essentially pump air in when the pressure drops. The mechanics are actually quite simple, which is why it’s surprising that they took so long…


Bounce Imaging Explorer

Out of Boston, Bounce Imaging has developed a revolutionary tool specifically for soldiers, police, fire fighters and all manners of emergency responders. The Bounce Imaging Explorer has 6 cameras in a rubber ball that is a similar size to a baseball.It has a range of sensors to not only beam…